Americans now spend more time on TikTok than YouTube. At least, according to App Annie’s 2021 report.

In the U.S., smartphone users now spend an average of 24.5 hours on TikTok per month, compared with 22 hours on YouTube. Two and a half hours may be a meager difference, but in December 2019 users were spending just 16 hours per month on TikTok vs. about 21.5 on YouTube, meaning that TikTok user engagement has grown tremendously, while YouTube’s has grown rather little.

TikTok also leads YouTube in the UK, where users spend about 26 hours a month on TikTok and about 16 on YouTube.

In 2019, Facebook users spent an average of 15.5 hours per month on its app, while TikTok users spent an average of 12.8 hours per month. By 2020, TikTok’s engagement had nearly doubled: its users spent an average of 21.5 hours per month. Facebook’s average time per user had grown by just two hours over the same time period.

YouTube was also analyzed alongside streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video.

In 2020, users spent an average of 23.1 hours per month on YouTube, compared to 5.7 hours on Netflix, 4.3 hours on Hulu, 2.7 hours on Amazon Prime and 4.9 hours on Twitch. YouTube is still the king of streaming apps.

What do we think?

It’s time to start considering short videos a part of the marketing plan of any brand that want to reach the enormous public that uses TikTok and YouTube Shorts (that is becoming very popular too). You can read the firm’s full report here.

About the Author

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