Apparently, Facebook wants to securely mine your encrypted data so it can present you with ads.

According to a report from The Information, the tech giant is setting up a team of AI researchers to explore the possibilities of analyzing Whatsapp data without breaking encryption.

This will allow Facebook to insert targeted ads on WhatsApp. End-to-end encryption is one of the most marketed features of the app. And that’s the basis of Facebook’s fight against tracking around the world.

A controversial privacy policy change was made earlier this year to establish WhatsApp’s interaction with other Facebook apps. If they manage to insert ads without breaking the encryption, it can make a lot of money from the more than 2 billion people who use the app for free.

The field of research is called Homomorphic Encryption, which makes it possible to extract meaningful information without breaking the encryption. Companies such as IBM and Google are already working on it and exploring its use in sectors such as healthcare and finance.

According to the report, there is no timetable, but for obvious reasons they would want to get it out as soon as possible to start making money, of course.

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